Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Difference Between Management Skills and Entrepreneurship Essay

What do you think is the difference between management skills and entrepreneurship?. How do they contribute to the economic success of a business? Management skills is about making an existing business work effectively and efficiently, organizing and coordinating the activities according to certain policies and achieving clearly defined objectives (i. e. vision, mission). Usually, the foundation of the business has been laid and established. It involves planning, controlling, leading and directing and the managers are usually focused on managing and growing the business Entrepreneurship is someone who transforms innovation into a business process especially for market which never exists, often associated with uncertainties. An entrepreneur will look for changes, respond to it and seize it as an opportunity. The next step is to assemble a team, locate resources, raise the needed capital and start the new business idea. An entrepreneur is flexible in adapting to the rapid changing to the market conditions and ideas which are important factors in developing strategies for a company’s growth. The economy has become more competitive and more demanding, thus the pressure of having the best management skills and entrepreneurship skills are becoming more important. Management skills will ensure that an established organization is managed effectively and efficiently towards achieving clearly defined objectives.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Sociology and Family Members

Family SOC 101 Introduction to Sociology Instructor: Sheila Farr November, 12th 2012 The sociological institutions I have chosen for this paper is family. â€Å"The family is the first group of people with whom the child has contact, and they are the most important, especially in the early years. They provide food, shelter, care, education, and support. They describe and define the world to the developing child. They teach values, morals, and beliefs. † (Vissing, 2011) A person is defined by the family and they are taught how to live a certain way, but as they grow up society start to influence their decisions.In this paper I will evaluate the impact Sociological theories: Functionalism, Conflict, and Interactionism, will have on a family. How does each theory apply to the selected sociological institution? â€Å"The family is regarded as the most basic institution for all individuals because it is directly responsible for the care and protection of its members. The family co nsists of people who are biologically related but may also contain people with whom we live and people with whom we have close emotional bonds. (Vissing, 2011) The way Functionalism applies to a family is functionalist sociologists developed an analysis which showed that the family had evolved into a superior form. Studies by Murdock, Goode, and others were able to show that the family, in changing its form, had been left free to concentrate on the most important functions. Parsons (1956) saw the two most important functions to be the socialization of the young and the stabilization of the adult personality. â€Å"The functionalist view of the family is the notion of ‘fit’.The isolated nuclear family was seen to be a good ‘fit’ for post-war American society. The family had been left free to make a good job of rearing the children, with more ‘professional’ parents working alongside teachers and childcare experts. The family was also able to con centrate on the demanding relationship between husband and wife. The family provided both the child and the adult with the physical and emotional support needed for their roles in society. It also provided the motivation to be successful in an industrial world which laid stress on achievement by individual effort.The functionalist account of the positive role of the family in society coincided with a period of strong public support for the American family. Berger and Berger (1983) argue that this was a period when the American family was seen as a success, particularly in the way it placed the needs of the individual at the heart of family life. † (Wilson, A, (1985) pg. 21) The way Conflict applies to a family is the conflict role can be intense and uncomfortable, as people feel forced to make choices between work and family.Relatives may be upset when major conflicts occurs such as â€Å"financial pressures and money management; trying to balance home, work, community, and p ersonal responsibilities; infidelity; decision making and conflict resolution; dealing with health problems; addressing personal, educational, and occupational needs of family members; maintaining a home and household; dealing with substance abuse, crime, or domestic violence problems; co-parenting; divorce and stepfamilies; and dealing with aging parents. A family shoulders a tremendous responsibility and usually requires assistance from others as a result. For some people work may come first and may be seen as a violation of the role of being a dedicated family member. Individuals may feel a sense of being â€Å"damned if I do, damned if I don't,† no matter what they end up doing. Often work comes first because responsible adults feel that they cannot care for their family if they lose their job.When people feel important at work and home, they have a greater sense of generatively; when they do not feel valued or do work that isn't inherently meaningful, the feelings of sta gnation and alienation occur. When people feel competent and happy, the systems perspective holds that they may transfer those feelings to other areas of life, whereas when people feel stagnant and hopeless, those feelings likewise impact other aspects of their personal world. The way Interactionism applies to a family, Symbolic interaction theory analyzes society by addressing the subjective meanings that people impose on behaviors.A close emotional bond exists with them, what they think of us really matters, especially in the early years when children are being socialized to understand both themselves and their place in the world. † (Vissing, 2011) What are the similarities? What are the differences? The similarities between the theories are how they affect a family as a whole. Functionalism impact the functionality of family when everyone doing their part and there are no problems and, Conflict affects the family relationship as a whole, and Interactionism affects how the f amily interact with one another and other people.The differences between the theories are, functionalism is about the morals and values that are taught to a family to help them thrive in society, Conflict is based on outside influence that impact the family, and interactionism focuses on the behaviors family members pick up from socializing with different groups of people. How does each theory affect the views of the individual who is part of a family? Functionalism affects the views of the as a whole family, each individual person plays a role in how the family functions in society.Conflict affects the views of the individual because that person will struggle for to be heard, they will disagree and their actions will cause stress in the family. Interactionism affects the views of individual because they are learning new things as they socialize with others. They may start to act and dress differently and do things they never done before. How does each theory affect the approach to social change within the selected institution? Functionalism, see social changes as undesirable because of the various parts of society will compensate naturally for any problems that may arise.The way they approach social change is by not taking an active role in changes in their social environment, if things are going good they like for it to stay that way. Even if the family can benefit from the changes, they don’t won’t to run the risk of causing problems for themselves or their family. The family prefers to let the changes happen naturally without interfering. Conflict, approach to social change is by putting the changes into perspective. The social conflict can have a positive impact, when properly understood, in promoting groups to find common ground, form alliances, define core values, and identify the differences.Interactionism, approach to social change in family is people can chose to embrace the morals and values they were taught or reject them. Every indiv idual has their own set of beliefs in a family and these beliefs are exercised depending on the individual. Family unit does not operate as a collective, even though it is believed to do so. Each individual in the family has different values that are attributed to age, associations, values, etc. A child could have complete different view on a particular subject than their parents.Within the Sociological institution selected, how does each theory affect the views of society? Functionalism, view society as functioning best when there is agreement about the social values and norms. â€Å"Conflict can have a positive impact on society views, when properly understood, in promoting groups to find common ground, form alliances, define core values, and identify the differences. † (Harper, N) Interactionism, society imposes a different set of values that can influence family member to do things different from the norm. To conclude, each theory has a different impact on a family.They e ach give insight into how society impacts a family and individual members. As person venture in the world they start to see things in different way. Functionalism is believed to focus on the family being close and being in agreement on thing. They appear to have no problem cause of the agreement to not interact with any changes and just to let them happen and go with the flow. â€Å"From a functionalist point of view, the family may change form and be quite diverse in its composition, but families have always existed and will continue to exist because what they do is so important.Children are born to people who will love and care for them, and are socialized about how to care for themselves and be a productive member of society. Families are the link to most of the other institutions. † Conflict, causes a family to weight the pros and cons of different situations because the child is now older and they are influenced by what they see from other social institutions. â€Å"Fro m a conflict approach, families may not receive the support or assistance they need to adequately do all the things that are required of them.Some families function well, many need help, and other families are fragile or dysfunctional. The ability of the family to function depends on how the rest of the institutions interface with them. Conflict theorists acknowledge that the family cannot adequately do its job without contributions from the other social institutions. † Interactionism, is about the habits family members pick up from socializing and being apart and around different groups of people. â€Å"Symbolic interactionists focus on the messages that family members receive and impart to each other.Since the family is in the position of having the most intense interactions when children's identities and bodies are being formed, what they say and do will have a significant impact on them (Cherlin, 2009; Benokratis, 2010; Lamanna & Riedmann, 2011). † (Vissing, 2011) R eference: Harper, N. Journeys into Justice Retrieved from: http://www. journeysintojustice. com/author. htm Vissing, Y. (2011) Introduction to Sociology. Salem State University. Bridgepoint Education, Inc. Wilson, Adrian. Family. Routledge, 1985. p 21. Retrieved from: http://site. ebrary. com/lib/ashford/Doc? id=5003764&ppg=31

DCQ Sontag Essay

Photography shows us the world, but only the world the photographer creates. According to Sontag, photos show that we understand through a photo in the way we see the picture. Seeing photos can limit our understanding because we only see the picture not whats going on around it. In other words the viewer only sees what’s within the frame. Images allowed us to see situations that occurred; however, it is extremely limited in what the audience can see. I qualify Sontag’s claim that photography limits our understanding of the world because nothing is picture perfect. A picture is just a snapshot or quick image of something distorted. Photography has accomplished the task of manipulation to the point where images do not exhibit the honesty. In general photography is used to trick the audience’s eyes. For example, ads are displayed every day in our lives distorting the honesty portrayed. Long ago when a cigarette commercial came on they had enhanced the color, and edited all the little details that appeals to our emotions, making cigarettes look good. The only problem is cigarette isn’t good for anyone, but the viewers wouldn’t get that message due to the changes the photographers have made. Following this further Sontag infers that nothing that comes from a photo can really be understood. The reason for that is because photography shows everything but context. Photography gives people a small glimpse of reality, but the realities have been manipulated to the photographer’s idealism. However as Sontag pointed out photography takes the gaps in our mental pictures and replaces them. Photograph gives proof and confirms the past, but it does not exhibit the honesty a citizen would have lived through. For example if no pictures were captured during the Holocaust time period, it would be hard for people to believe that all the torturing actually occurred. Images allowed us to get a glimpse of what the Jews went through but the feelings and emotions aren’t the same. One cannot say they truly understand how the Jews felt, without actually experiencing what the Jews did. It takes one to be there to experience the emotions and tears the Jews had as the gas killed them and family. Sontag says understanding can only come from what is shown.. There is much  more to life than what meets the eye, and this can be exemplified and proved in many different ways. Pretend that someone knows nothing about the tragic events that occurred on September 11, 2001. A photo is placed in front of Them. They take a look. It appears to be a man dressed in what appears to be in work clothes but the thing that strikes their attention first, the thing that stands out most is that he is upside down. Odd they think. The background behind the man is what looks to be a steel like structure. Maybe if their senses are sharp that day you’ll come to the conclusion that this is an image of a man who decided to end his life by jumping off the top of a tall building while in midair. However, did the photograph show them what was going on around him? The building he jumped off of? A hijacked commercial airlines plane crashed into it leaving the building to go up in flames and ready to collapse with smoke pouring out the windows. Leaving him and at least 1,000 other people trapped on the high floors of the tower. This man, this falling man, was surrounded by absolute chaos, destruction, death, a living hell, but they would never know. He looks so calm, so serene even though he is more than well aware that his life is about to end in a matter of seconds. To the person looking at the photo they only see it as Sontag says they do. Through what they see in the picture, not what is really occurring. To an extent, yes, photography does limit us in the view of the world like Sontag refers to. Pictures are taken by photographers who chose what they wish to express and how they wish life to appear to be. By doing this, reality has changed, becoming manipulated into something that it truly is not. It is now a reality created from the human mind, influenced by its wants, desires and emotions. Photography also fails to give us background, or deeper knowledge about the photo. Pictures lack the emotion experienced by the person taking the picture (how hard it may have been to get the picture the photographer wanted). Yet pictures can sometimes invoke an emotional response (a gruesome death, a spectacular sunset). Pictures lend to a greater understanding of what is happening around the world. When someone sees the faces of others in places they never will travel to, they start to understand the emotion they show. Words sometimes can not do justice to the things you are able to see. Pictures only help the reader  better understand his/her meaning of what is actually taking place. Yet, do not be fooled by everything you see today. Technology has taken photography to a new level. Make certain you trust your source first. The old saying â€Å"Believe only half of what you see and nothing that you hear† no longer rings true. Be skeptical, but keep your eyes and mind open at the same time. Qualifying Sontag, a single photograph of an event, place, time or whatever will only give you a limited perspective of that event, place or whatever. However it does not limit our understanding of something. It simply gives a single viewpoint or snapshot for us to base an overall understanding. Susan Sontag claims in her passage, â€Å"On Photography†, that photography limits our understanding of the world. However, the truth is that photography enhanced our understanding of the world. It allows us to see things that would be otherwise impossible to see. Sontag argues that photography does not allow people to truly understand things and that it does not teach any ethical or political knowledge. The truth is that it deepens our understanding and expands our knowledge of the world around us. Without photography, people would have no idea of what surrounded them and what happened before their time. Photography produces a visual history of the world, thus producing a greater appr eciation for it.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Economic Value Added (EVA) Statement Research Paper

Economic Value Added (EVA) Statement - Research Paper Example EVA is one such performance measurement tool that captures the financial profit and shareholders wealth. â€Å"EVA subtracts the cost of capital from the net operating profits after tax (NOPAT) generated in the business. It is a measure of the residual income from the income statement after accounting for the cost of the balance sheet† (Economic Value Added, 2007). How can Economic Value Added (EVA) Statements be used to improve financial statement reporting, results, and success? EVA statements are formed on the basis of two financial statements-the balance sheet and the income statement. EVA Statements can be Used as a Valuable Tool to Improve the Financial Statements: With the correct prediction of economic profits every financial year, EVA statement shows how much value is additional to the capital. It helps to set the goals of business, incentives of management, and pay bonuses for better performances which cannot be obtained from the cash flows of financial statement. .. . It helps to analyze the capital budgeting and long term investment decisions of the firm. Since it helps in calculating the financial profits, it can be a very useful performance measure which supports the financial statement of the business. It increases the average rate the of returns of shareholders. This helps to increase the rate of capital. EVA statement clearly specifies how much amount is given as tax, and therefore helps correct estimation of expenses in the financial statement. It also shows the economic value generated and distributed in the business. EVA can raise the firm’s investment, which is presently very low. The managers are thus paying attention on increasing earnings that they acquire on projects, for which the earnings do not validate the capital investments. EVA statements are based on financial statements; it is helpful to find out any faults and make adjustments in the accounting principles that can improve the capital and operating profits. As financi al statements are based on the generally accepted accounting principles, there will be mistakes, and therefore correct adjustments one needed, which can be possible through the EVA. EVA statements help in calculating the weighted average cost of capital; it is useful to estimate the risk and returns involved in the project of the business. What are some of the problems found with EVA? Though EVA is a useful method to evaluate the performance of business; it has some limitations which are as follows: EVA is considered as a short term performance measurement tool. Companies focusing on long term investment decisions cannot use EVA as a performance measurement. The EVA for future investments can not be calculated independently with every performance calculation, as

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Environmental Psychology Article Analysis Research Paper

Environmental Psychology Article Analysis - Research Paper Example ology by Mohay and Forbes which is entitled â€Å"Reducing the Risk of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Children Following Natural Disasters.† The article discussed the posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) that can affect children due to the occurrence of natural disasters. Included in the objectives of the paper were the examination of the risk and protective factors and the application of the strategies in schools to resolve cases of PTSD (Mohay and Forbes, 2009, p.179). The subject of the research is relevant to the present era wherein numerous natural disasters are affecting the human civilization. The said disasters also come in different forms such as typhoons, tornado, tsunami, volcanic eruptions and floods. Preparedness not only in terms of shelter and basic needs but also in the emotional aspect is important. The focus of the study can be considered essential due to the fact that the children are the most susceptible to the effects of natural disasters specifically ba sed on the risk factors. The abstract of the paper presented pertinent information that summarized the content of the paper. The background information had also been helpful based on the definitions of the concepts and terms that were defined in the said part of the research paper. In addition, important and substantial information and research results of prior studies had also been included (p.179-82). The discussion of the risk factors followed. The different risk factors and resolutions that had been presented by the authors are considered important in the improvement of the consciousness regarding the issue. The risk factors that are related to PTSD included in the study were age, personality, extent of exposure to natural, amount of damage to property and infrastructure, witnessing the death or injury of others or perceiving a threat to own life (p.182-5). The age as a risk factor had been connected to the cognitive level of development of a person. For that matter, a child

Saturday, July 27, 2019

The Impact of Using Multimedia for College Students Research Paper

The Impact of Using Multimedia for College Students - Research Paper Example Nowadays, technology has been the number one accessible source of information around the world and its remarkable continuity gets to blow up as the years go by. In fact, it has become a feasible and possible preference to people especially to those who are into learning. It has given an opportunity for a new learning net to be born. Certainly, multimedia and online learning nurture information that is merely pertinent, applicable, and significant for the college students. Furthermore, it would be best inculcated to them if multimedia is interactive and the control of it solely relies on the learner. So as for example, in a live chat with a student who is shy, inspirational videos such as believing in one’s self; can encourage the student, even more, to believe in herself. As the college students continue to explore what life has to offer, engaging in the learning process results in a better exploration as they see it through an enhanced multimedia instruction. Online learning, or sometimes being referred to as distance learning, is an educational medium of instruction through the use of Internet. Its objectives are aligned with the same with the goals one would find in a traditional classroom setup. However, the instruction can take place anytime and anywhere. Through this, the essence of learning is occurring, thus, provides a convenient avenue of educating students. Nonetheless, multimedia is a mode of communication that includes text, graphics, sounds, and the like.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Cross cultural management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Cross cultural management - Essay Example The key messages that the author has tried to suggest in this article are that cross-cultural perception between supposedly similar groups in terms of similarity of national culture varies on the basis of the context in which the cooperation occurs between the groups (Heijes, 2011). The author asserts that power dynamics between different ethnic groups is one of the most fundamental drivers of the cross-cultural perception. Research along this line is a valuable aid that extends the understanding of the significant interrelationship between the culture and dynamics of power within organizations. The distinctive content of the article is that the author has achieved his objectives by compiling a comparative evaluation of the cross-cultural perception between two different ethnic groups. In the recent years, the number of cross-national studies has considerably increased, of which this research forms a part. The organizational research’s domain is getting increasingly internatio nal, thus raising concerns about the transportability of the models of social science across societies.The ethnic groups selected for the study were African Curacaoans and European Dutch. These groups were chosen in two organizations that operated in two different countries and the power dynamics of the selected organizations in their respective environments differed from each other. The author has used empirical evidence to demonstrate the way cross-cultural perception is influenced by differences of power. Â  ... Research along this line is a valuable aid that extends the understanding of the significant interrelationship between the culture and dynamics of power within organizations. The distinctive content of the article is that the author has achieved his objectives by compiling a comparative evaluation of the cross-cultural perception between two different ethnic groups. In the recent years, the number of cross-national studies has considerably increased (Renn and Rohrmann, 2000, p. 20), of which this research forms a part. The organizational research’s domain is getting increasingly international, thus raising concerns about the transportability of the models of social science across societies (Tsui, 2004). The ethnic groups selected for the study were African Curacaoans and European Dutch. These groups were chosen in two organizations that operated in two different countries and the power dynamics of the selected organizations in their respective environments differed from each o ther. The author has used empirical evidence to demonstrate the way cross-cultural perception is influenced by differences of power. Perception has been studied along two altering axes; the first of which was the external national context and the second was the internal organizational context. The author has studied the cross-cultural perceptions in Curacaoans and Dutch as well as in two organizations that were made part of the research; the police and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). The author used these comparative case studies to offer a comprehensive account of the real-life cross-cultural perceptions between the selected ethnic groups so as to comprehend

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Outcome studies of a Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Intervention Essay

Outcome studies of a Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Intervention - Essay Example population, in any given year and women are twice as likely to be affected. Learning how to deal with anxiety requires management of the mind to handle things in proper order, and this is the emphasis of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT). CBT treatment had been popularly used by many healthcare professionals, psychotherapists, and counselors in managing GAD and its efficiency had been proven in many clinical-based studies conducted by reliable researchers. To begin with, anxiety, according to the National Institute of Mental Health or NIMH (2011), is a normal reaction to stress. It helps the person cope with the different situations in life but once it becomes an excessive, irrational dread of everyday situations, it has become a disabling disorder (NIMH, 2011). Among the five major types of anxiety disorders [Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Panic Disorder, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), and Social Phobia (or Social Anxiety Disorder)] , GAD is the most common. GAD is a pattern of frequent, constant worry and anxiety over many different activities and events (Berger & Zieve, 2010). The main symptom, according to Berger and Zieve (2010), is the almost constant presence of worry or tension that lasts at least six months, disrupting daily activities even when there is little or no cause. Worries seem to float from one problem to another, such as family or relationship problems, work issues, money, health, and other problems. Other symptoms are difficulty concentrating, fatigue, irritability, problems falling or staying asleep, and sleep that is often restless and unsatisfying, and restlessness or feeling keyed up or "on the edge," often becoming startled very easily. Physical manifestations are muscle tension, shakiness, and headache (Berger & Zieve, 2010). Risk factors for GAD include gender, family history, genetic factor, substance abuse, medical conditions, socioeconomic and ethnic factors, depression, cultural f actors, and stressful events in susceptible people (Scholten, 2011). Moreover, treating anxiety disorders is an individualized approach but several standard approaches have proved effective. Treatment modalities include therapy [e.g. cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT), interpersonal therapy (IPT), eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR)], medication [e.g. selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs), benzodiazepines, and tricyclic antidepressants] and complementary and alternative treatment (e.g. kava, acupuncture, and yoga) (Anxiety Disorders Association of America, 2011b). For the treatment of GAD, cognitive-behavioral therapy is claimed by many psychotherapists, counselors, and healthcare professionals as the most effective therapy. According to Bingaman (2007, p. 11), this is the clear treatment of choice with anxiety disorder becau se it meets the criteria that empirically supports the treatment for GAD. CBT is very useful in treating anxiety disorders because the cognitive part helps people change the thinking patterns that support their fears, and the behavioral part helps people change the way they react to anxiety-provoking situations (National Institute of Mental Disorders,

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Statistics on the Incidence of AIDS in the US Research Paper - 1

Statistics on the Incidence of AIDS in the US - Research Paper Example In 2007, it has been reported that HIV was the third leading cause of mortality for black men and women aged 35-44. HIV also became the ninth leading cause of mortality for all blacks. In fact, about 233,624 Blacks who were diagnosed with AIDS had died in the United States. Moreover, African American women were known to be 22 times more likely to die from HIV/AIDS compared to women from other ethnicities. In 2008, African Americans had the highest rate of death from AIDS, which amounted to 27.5 per 100,000 population. According to Maryland Statistics, Black females incurred higher rates of AIDS mortality compared to women from other races. Table 1 below also supports these statistics. The peak of mortality observed from all races was seen in 1995. Â   In 1995, highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) was introduced to the public. Before 1995, the use of protease inhibitors in the United States was not allowed. The United States Food and Drug Administration approved the drugs in December of 1995 and on March of 1996. HAART is associated with decreased mortality and morbidity of patients with HIV/AIDS. Although it is not a cure, it is used for the purpose of improving a patient’s symptoms or even their quality of life. As a result, the patient’s survival rate is also prolonged. HAART is just one of the other lifesaving innovations that have been discovered. Thus, after the year 1995, the mortality rate started to decline slowly. The decline is quite evident and steady on White females. However, with regards to Black females, the mortality rate decreased post-HAART but would increase again after 1998. Afterwards, the rate intermittently increased and decreased. The trends in the mortality rates of Black women with AIDS as compared with White patients is truly intriguing. The disparity is profound. Certain factors can be attributed with such disparities in mortality and morbidity rates observed between ethnicities of women - most especially Blacks and Whites - with HIV/AIDS. It is relevant to identify such factors in order to come up with solutions that could help ease this disparity.

Nietzsche's theory of nature Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Nietzsche's theory of nature - Essay Example On the other hand what does human being do? in his opinion humans try to run nature the way they think best. As man is the ultimate being and creation of God thus he wants to use this power and modify the things going on around him. Isn’t living life close to respecting, desiring, being unfair, to be restricted, near to the attempt of being different, he says.   Furthermore the idea that humans are aggressive by nature the statement as living according to nature in actuality will mean living in accordance to life, so how can one do anything that is otherwise or different. He attempts to further shed light on this natural yet so indifferent methods of humans by suggesting that there is no need for people to make principles based upon what they are themselves and should be. It can be quite the opposite he says as one might imagine to go through the ecstasy of reading the rule of one’s own principles in Nature it is understandable that they would be looking for an altoge ther different thing. He calls people â€Å"you extraordinary stage-players and self-deluders!† (9; †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦) So much is the negativity he holds against the way human beings function. It is to him a shocking reality that things could be so deceiving and yet people try to justify themselves by saying it is what nature has taught them. Man is a proud being and undoubtedly in their pride they â€Å"wish to dictate your morals and ideals to Nature, to Nature herself, and to incorporate them therein.† (9; †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦)

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Trust Case Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Trust Case - Assignment Example tutorials, prompts, guides, to assist and inform the user to execute transaction and or explore task on the website (Studio Archetype/ Sapient, 1999, p.33). b) Presentation is the behavior in which the apparent glance and outlook of the site, both inside and outside of it, communicates significant information to the user. It has 3 elements. Clarity of Purpose implies that the efficiently laid out visuals successfully transmit the idea and the intention of the site. It is to familiarize the customers, that they can buy products when they get to this web site. Craftsmanship is the extent of the skill and proficiency of the development of the website, which the viewer perceives and judges by the first look of it. c) Technology: The number of ways in which the site technically functions. It has 2 elements which are: 1) Functionality: On the whole, how well the website seems to work for the user (Studio Archetype/ Sapient, 1999, p.33). d. Fulfillment is the entire method that the user goes through from the time a particular product’s purchase is initiated until he finally receives the product. Its elements include: 1) Protection of Personal Information: The privacy of the personal information is a must as it should be guaranteed to be used for that particular purpose to be used for no purpose other than what it was provided for. 3) Recourse: The operation process allows for remedy if one faces a problem at any time during the course of action. 4) Return Policy: There should be clarity in explaining the return policy 5) Simplicity of Process: How simple and easy is the purchase process (Studio Archetype/ Sapient, 1999, p.33). Qs2) â€Å"Seals of approval† are described as affirmed, acknowledged and authentic policies of security and encryption (seals of approval). The companies that provide these seals of approval are referred to in this report as â€Å"security brands. The top three â€Å"security brand† seals of approval in terms of percentage of

Monday, July 22, 2019

Hamburger - United States Essay Example for Free

Hamburger United States Essay A company that finds major success in one country won’t necessarily catch on in another. There are a number of fast-food chains that succeeded in America, but have failed globally. One example is the widely popular Wendy’s. Wendy’s is the third largest burger chains in the U.S. However, according to the article Wendy’s to Exit Japan, Wendy’s has recently declared that they â€Å"will not renew its agreement with its Japanese franchisee, Zensho Co Ltd, after both of them failed to reach an amicable solution on the development of Wendy’s brand in Japan. † This will result in the closure of 71 outlets located in and around Tokyo, Japan. Despite being one of the leading quick-service restaurant companies in America, Wendy’s has struggled to understand and expand internationally. It seems that they were being consistently beaten by the business that McDonald’s generates. Japan is McDonald’s largest market outside of the United States. It has nearly 4,000 restaurants there. The closure of Wendy’s marks the end of a 29-year presence in Japan, and is clearly a testament to the different tastes of the Eastern and Western countries. In October, Wendy’s attempted one final marketing strategy when they launched a $75 million campaign titled, â€Å"When It’s Real.† However, the campaign failed to boost sales and actually declined 4%. That appeared to be the last straw for the franchise. It’s difficult to succeed in the restaurant industry during a recession. People are more careful with their money so they tend to eat more at home. However, fast-food chains continue to thrive during these tough economic times because of their affordability. I do feel that what happened to Wendy’s could have been prevented. After all, McDonald’s is still succeeding in Japan, so why couldn’t Wendy’s. It’s important to remain innovative, especially during a recession. If they could have been creative and developed catchy marketing strategies during these tough times, I think they could have swung back into more prosperous times. References Schaefer, R.T. (2009) Sociology: A brief introduction (8th ed.) New York, NY: McGraw Hill. Zacks Investment Research (2009). Wendy’s to Exit Japan. Retrieved Jan. 9, 2010 from:

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Implementing Theories of Management in an Organisation

Implementing Theories of Management in an Organisation Organizations are a set of people arranged socially to perform and achieve a common goal. These organizations form the essential building blocks of modern society. Such organisations across the globe are constantly evolving and the rate of evolution changes from one country to another. Organisational Behaviour can be best explained as the study of the ways individuals and groups act at work, which also includes the analysis of interrelationships and interaction between individuals and groups with their environments (Cole, 1995). In this essay, I wish to explain certain behavioural practices that had existed in my previous organisation and implement two theories (motivation and organisational culture) to my work situations.   Ã‚   First let me give an insight into my background. I was born and educated in a city called Chennai in the southern state of Tamil Nadu in India. I graduated bachelor in Mechanical Engineering in the year 2013. After graduation, I was trying for job placement in various companies. During one of my interviews in a company called ETA General Private Limited, my answers were noticed by a silently observing gentleman who did not participate in the interview process. I had no idea who he was so but after my interview, he spotted me in the waiting room, asked for my CV and after a few minutes of going through it, offered me a job in Dubai. He introduced himself as Mr. HMT, head of a polymer division of ETA group of companies. Now I understood why he was present here, it is because General Air Conditioners is also a part of ETA group. I was surprised but I felt it was a very good offer and didnt want to miss it. Shortly thereafter, I received my offer letter which promised a good salary, decent accommodation and proper working condition. Despite being an engineer, I opted to do a non-engineering job as a sales assistant. Mainly because the salary package was compelling and moreover an opportunity to gain work experience in the Gulf was like a big deal for a fresher. Thus I landed my very first job. Emirates Trading Agency LLC, shortly known as ETA is a major corporate group headquartered in Dubai. ETA is a joint venture between UAEs Al Ghurair group and a South Indian company. ETA provides contracting, manufacturing, construction, property development, commodity trading services, power projects etc (Built on trust, 2017). It has operations in Middle East, Indian Subcontinent, South East Asia, Far East, North Africa, parts of Europe etc. ETA had approximately 70 individual divisions and each division has its own business unit heads. The particular business unit which I had the opportunity to work for is called Green Star Polymer. Green Star Polymer (GSP) was a commodity trading company which is the polymer trading wing of ETA. It was formed in 1998 by ETA to buy and sell polymer cargo all around the world. GSP had a 400,000 sq ft warehouse in Abu Dhabi for processing polymers. It also was doing waster paper business domestically. Mr. HMT was heading all these operations and was the Senior General Manager (SGM) of ETA. He belonged to the family of the Indian partners so he was very influential within ETA. The Arab partner, Al Ghurair, invest money and the Indian partners run the business in ETA. Like most Arab and Asian companies, ETA is also a family run business. So the business unit heads are the Indian partners who predominantly belong to the same family. Around mid-2013, ETA was in a huge liability and there was difference opinion among the Indian Arab partners. To reduce cost, ETA was closing/selling many businesses and sacking several employees. Dozens of lawsuits were also filed between partners. This casted a very bad image on the entire company in the market. There was lot of uncertainty among employees and ultimately Mr. HMT was dismissed and GSP division was closed down in 2015. Mr. HMT began his own business in mid-2015 and I was the only one from GSP that he trusted and employed for his company. Sigmund Freud argued humans are provoked to act by unconscious forces within us. These forces within us make us act in a certain way to achieve a goal. Motivation is the cognitive decision-making process through which goal-directed behaviour is initiated, energized, directed and maintained (Huczynski and Buchanan, 2001). Work Situation I: Moving to Dubai for work was the first time moving away from family and the comfort of my home, so I was nervous and excited about my new venture. When I landed in Dubai, I was received from airport by my HR coordinator who dropped me at my accommodation. When I reached my new home, from the outside, I can easily say this is the oldest apartment I had seen in the brief time I was in Dubai. Inside was not good either. The HR guy handed me the key and left. When entered into the room, I was surprised to see 3 people asleep in 2 double cots with one lower cot left vacant for me. The room was half the size of my room in Chennai and 3 others with one bathroom/toilet to be shared. Anyway, I was tired so badly I went to sleep. Next morning, I had a conversation with my roommates as they informed me the rules of the accommodation, office directions, morning timings for using the single bathroom etc. They all worked for ETA but in different divisions. There was no kitchen or pantry available so food had to be purchased from outside. I soon learned the whole building belonged to ETA and occupied by its staffs and also it had been standing there for more than 35 years which is very old compared to UAE standards. All the staffs had been living in unpleasant conditions. I went to my new office that day. I was introduced to all staffs by the HR coordinator. We exchanged greetings and my immediate boss briefed me about the business activities of GSP and about my job. Later I met with Mr. HMT, who welcomed me to the company and handed my employment contract to me. I was shocked to notice that the contract had much lesser salary than what had been promised. It also stated my visa category as simply sales. No executive, no assistant, nothing. I later found out this category of visa is possibly the lowest, more or less equivalent to a clerk. Practically no company should employ me under that category owing to my qualification. I was even rejected to apply driving license with this visa. But my superiors were quick to convince me this is normal. Even though so much was not right, I still didnt express my disappointments to others (I usually dont). I was instructed to be trained for probation period of 6 months. In the very first week, I also learned GSP staffs are working more than 8 hours even after 6pm. I didnt have a clue so I left promptly at 6pm. My line manager called me one day and enquired about me leaving early. I was puzzled and tried to justify that I dont leave during office hours, but even though he advised me to stay until other staffs leave. Again I soon learned the reason behind it. Mr. HMT arrives office at 11am and stays in office till 8pm. He might need some staffs randomly after 6pm so most of them stayed in office till 8pm even though they arrive at 9am in the morning. No policy for overtime pay in place for staffs. Couple of managers quit their jobs within two months of my recruitment but their vacancies were not filled. So I was also assigned additional responsibilities in operations department as GSP was understaffed. Eventually I recognized I was deprived of all the promises made to me. No proper salary, no decent accommodation and no proper working condition. This is when I lost all hope and was very depressed. I was considering to quit my job and go back to India. Applying Motivation Theory: Abraham Maslow argued the content theory which aims to rectify the confusion between drives and motives. He claims that we have innate needs or motives (Huczynski and Buchanan, 2001). The Fig 1 shows the hierarchy which Maslow framed in detail. Figure 1: Maslows Hierarchy of Needs (Source: Maslow and Lewis, 1987) Physiological needs are to the basic elements to survive for any human being which needs to be satisfied before aspiring for the next need which is social and security. Then comes affiliation needs and self-esteem. If these needs are satisfied, we can feel confident whereas if not, we tend to feel inferior and helpless. Self-actualization is the ultimate goal for any individual (Huczynski and Buchanan, 2001). Recommendations: In my case, I began to feel de-motivated because I was cheated with false promise of better salary, accommodation and decent work condition. What I failed to understand initially was that I already have satisfied physiological and safety/security needs. I earned enough to feed myself and had a safe place to live and work. Secondly, I maintained good relationship with my colleagues and housemates, also made few friends. Moreover, I realised I was more confident in communication and analytics at work than my colleagues. All these factors combined, gave me a self-realisation that I am doing good for my age and the little experience I have gained. It motivated me to push harder. I felt proud and appreciated by Mr. HMT when I achieved the sales target the very first month I was given full responsibility when my boss was on holiday. Organisational Culture is the collective values, traditions and practices that are relatively similar among the employees of an organisation. Culture varies from one organisation to another and it is argued that the culture also affects the performance of an organisation. Therefore it is essential for managers to control organisations culture (Huczynski and Buchanan, 2001). Work Situation II: Although ETA is a MNC, its employees are predominantly South Indians. This is mainly because the South Indian business heads are more comfortable working with people from this region. I was also comfortable learning from those people since I am also a South Indian. But there are certain practices that I cannot agree with them. I noticed most of the employees of GSP were servile to Mr. HMT. It was obvious for me to notice these employees behaviour. They are so obsequious to please Mr. HMT. But I couldnt understand if Mr. HMT is not noticing this or if he is oddly comfortable with it. This behaviour of those employees (including few managers) can be attributed to their expectations to progress in work, pay etc. Some employees even degraded themselves to the level of doing household chores for Mr. HMT. There were even few cases where these managers tried to make me oblige to this custom which I had politely refused to do in multiple instances. This behaviour shocked and disgusted me. When Mr. HMT was dismissed in 2015, none of the so-called loyal employees were willing to join him in his new company. They all wanted to transfer to different divisions within ETA for accumulating end of service gratuity and other reasons. After I and Mr. HMT quit from ETA, I brought this matter to his attention during a casual conversation. He confessed that he knew but was oblivious to it and this culture was prevailing within the organisation since he started working in ETA 27 years ago. His realisation about his employees was already too late. Applying Organization Culture Theory: Edgar Schein argued organisations have three levels of culture as depicted below in fig2. The first level is the surface manifestation of culture where the organisations culture is most visible to its customers, visitors and employees. This may include artefacts, ceremonies, norms etc. Second level are the organisations values which underpins the surface manifestations. Although not visible, individuals could be made aware and it distinguishes one organisation from another. The behaviour of all the employees are guided similarly and given a common direction by the values of the organisation.. These values affect the final level which is the basic assumption, which according to Schein is the culture of the organisation. Assumptions are the behavioural aspects which are preconscious, unseen and taken for granted (Huczynski and Buchanan, 2001). Figure 2: Scheins three levels of culture (Source: Schein, 1985) Recommendations: In case of GSP, many staffs sought benefits by other means, rather than by improving work performance, it also had an impact on the overall performance of the company. This behaviour can be attributed to Scheins theory as basic assumption of ETA employees were less than noble. Since I was new to the company, initially I could only see surface manifestation level of ETA and when I coped up to work with these people, I could clearly see what their basic assumption of working for this organisation was and how their values affected it. As the head of GSP, Mr. HMT needed to have addressed this culture at his level when he had the chance. Moreover it should have been controlled by the senior management of ETA and maintained a healthy culture before it infuriated the Arab partners and the companys reputation was damaged. Better work environment can be achieved by applying organisational theories. All employees are directly affected by whatever is happening in an organisation. It is all attributable to human behaviour. With better understanding of organisational behaviour, managers can effectively influence employee behaviours to do achieve better outcome as discussed in these above scenarios. References Built on trust (2017) Available at: (Accessed: 24 January 2017). Cole, G.A., 1995. Organisational behaviour: Theory and practice. Cengage Learning EMEA. Huczynski, A.A. and Buchanan, D.A. (2001) Organizational behaviour. 4th edn. Harlow, United Kingdom: Pearson Education. Maslow, A. and Lewis, K.J., 1987. Maslows hierarchy of needs. Salenger Incorporated, p.14. Schein, E.H. (1985) Organizational culture and leadership. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers.

Development of Environmentally Friendly Amphicar

Development of Environmentally Friendly Amphicar AMPHICAR II System Specifications 1 Statement of work Our team has aimed to produce an energy efficient, environmental friendly personal consumer vehicle that is capable of travelling on road and operating as a fun filled water vehicle. The project idea of AMPHICAR II is to introduce the vehicle to the public; the first prototype will be used in crossing in the English Channel, beating Richard Bransons record set in the Gibbs Aquada. The project background given by AdSing systems engineering, world leaders in revolutionary new system development, has undertaken the challenge of developing a state of the art amphibious vehicle for the consumer market. This is defined as the first phase of the project and the budget for this phase is $80000. This phase of the project will be completed in 30 days. After completion of the conceptual design of the AMPHICAR II project, it shall be placed as a proposal put forward by AdSing to independent sub-contractors for further iterations of the system development cycle. For the successful completion of this phase of the project, we will have guided by our tutor (Bill Daniels) who is the systems Engineering Expert. The requirements of the vehicle is achieved by incorporating safety features, capability of travelling on road and water, customer satisfaction, robust design, lower operational cost, and after all the project should be completed within the budget. IEEE 1220 standard specifies the system engineering process and it is primarily targeting our product (Amphicar) oriented system, which defines the inter-disciplinary tasks that are required to our project throughout the lifecycle to transform stakeholder (Customer)needs, requirements and constraints in to our product development. Therefore our group has emphasized to bring ideas in brainstorming session and initially conducted a assessment on potential customers before beginning the conceptual design. Here we have the conceptual design of the AMPHICAR project comprises of four different stages namely System engineering and management plan, Systems requirement specification, functional analysis allocations and final stage of system specification. The project planning in fact it refers to SEMP which includes statement of work, work schedule, cost analysis, product testing methods, program management, risk management, resources required, deliverables, etc., System requirements specification stage are identified based on the needs and the project requirements. Functional analysis allocation stage comprises with functional breakdown is done to determine the system physical design overview, functional analysis and component details. At the final stage of system specification, AMPHICAR II project undergoes evalu ation and final documentation. 2. Referenced documents AMPHICAR concept Referred on 06/01/2010 The AMPHICAR Story Referred on 07/012010 IEEE 1220 Standard readings Referred on 09/01/2010 3. Work breakdown structure (this phase of the AMPHICAR project) 3.1 Schedule In fact we have 30days time from 8th January 2010 till 8th February 2010 to complete an attractive high level conceptual design of AMPHICAR II. The Systems specification preparation towards the Amphicar project will be worked in four different stages, under each stage the preparation compiled as draft and submitted through Assign IT on weekly basis. The weekly submission would ensure the timely completion of each stages include the project plan, system requirements specification and the functional analysis allocation and the final systems specification preparation of the AMPHICAR II project to be submitted. The complete details of the schedule can be seen in the Gantt chart on 1. The cost analysis and workout is also shown on Table 1. AMPHICAR II System Specifications 3.2 Cost Sl No. Planned Tasks Budget (S$) No. of hrs Actual Cost (S$) Balance (S$) System Engineering Management Plan 20000 7 days 17850 2150 1 Statement of work 4 500 19500 2 Referenced Documents 6 3000 16500 3 Work Breakdown Structure 3.1 Work Schedule 4 1000 15500 3.2 Cost 12 1500 14000 3.3 Product Testing Methods 15 3500 10500 4 Program Management 8 1750 8750 5 Risk Management 8 1500 7250 6 Resources Required 4 2000 5250 7 Deliverables 4 1250 4000 8 Organizational Structure 4 850 3150 9 Operational Concept 4 1000 2150 Total 20000 73 17850 2150 System Requirement Specification 24000 7 days 20500 3500 10 Scope 10.1 System Overview 6 1500 22500 11 Referenced Documents 5 1250 21250 12 Needs 12 4000 17250 13 Requirements 13.1 General Requirements 8 2000 15250 13.2 System Capability 12 2500 12750 13.3 Safety Requirements 8 2000 10750 13.4 Personnel Related Requirement 8 1750 9000 13.5 Security and Privacy Requirement 10 1500 7500 13.6 Logistics related requirement 12 2500 5000 13.7 Other Requirements 6 1500 3500 Total 24000 87 20500 3500 Table 1 continued†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. Functional Analysis Allocation 24000 7days 18500 5500 14 Scope 14.1 System Overview 7 1750 22250 14.2 Document Overview 4 1000 21250 15 Referenced Documents 9 2250 19000 16 Functional Analysis 24 4000 15000 17 Physical Design Overview 24 6250 8750 18 Component Details 8 3250 5500 Total 24000 76 18500 5500 Final System Specification 12000 7 days 11250 1750 19 System Description 8 2000 11000 20 Operational Requirements 5 1500 9500 21 Operational Constraints 5 1500 8250 22 System Evaluation 16 3000 4250 23 Final Documentation 12 3250 1000 Total 13000 46 11250 1000 Final Total 80000 282 68100 11900 Table1. Cost Note * 1 day = 8hrs and 5days per week (Monday to Friday) 3.3. Product testing method Product testing method is one of the most important steps in bringing out of our conceptual design of AMPHICAR II Project, which demands the recognition in the future when the product shall complete and reached at the market. The final product here is the AMPHICAR which is capable of travelling both road and water. The intention of the product testing method is to Ensure that the conceptual design of the product meets the design standards for employability, consistency, and user friendliness towards its functionality. Ensure the design meets the business goals and user needs. Ensure the design does not permit any changes at the final stage of its requirements and concept Ensure the behaviour of the system can be easily understood by the design engineers. Make sure that the design provides proper guidance to the designers to resolve any issues that may arise. Make sure that the design shall not distract the copyright of other brand in the global market. Ensure that the design is properly employed by the design engineers which can be easily interacted by the users and other products. Ensure the physical design matches up with the initial art design Ensure the safety features incorporated in the product shall always be enabling and These reviews are carried out at different phases precisely Project plan, system requirement specification, functional analysis and allocation and final system specification. At the end of each and stage a discussion session is made where all the team members and the manager (who assess the detail of design from the sub-system level to the component level), are gathered to review their respective tasks in each phase and the ideas are taken for any necessary changes of any improvement that can be done for bringing the project successful. The assessed document upon the end of each discussion will be sent as a draft to the project who verifies and evaluates the design and make a note to the manager and the team members if changes that are required for the design improvement and further evaluates after getting his job done by the team and approve the design and promote to the next phase. Thus the design of the final system specification is drawn and reviewed by the project director and approve the design for its release 4. Program management Program management is the mechanism by which the work of various operating functions within a company is integrated to create an effective business model. When program management is properly conceived and executed, it helps to execute business strategies much more effectively than an uncoordinated approach. The program manager must possess operational competencies, including project management methods and tools, to effectively manage the tactical elements of the program. Another important aspect of this core discipline set is that of becoming proficient in the specific processes and practices of the company that the program manager is a part of. Knowing how things get done, the policies and procedures that must be adhered to and who must be involved and approve various aspects of their program are critical for the successful completion of every program. During the early stages of conceptual design, it is essential that good communication between the producer and the customer be established from the beginning. The Design Engineer must fully understand the user requirements of the product to be designed. This can be achieved only we have a good communication between users. The communication modes used are Teleconference, E-mails, Fax and formal meeting between the project team members and others. Meeting agenda ( 2a) will be formatted for all meetings and distributed to all members before one day. And minutes of meeting ( 2b) are drafted and distributed to all members to follow up. The primary objective of our program management plan is to facilitate the timely integration of numerous design considerations into a functioning and Physical system that will be of high value to the user. Our program management consists of SEMP which already Stated in Gantt chart (System Engineering Management Plan), Statement of work (SOW), Work break down structure, schedule of tasks, Projecting costs for program task and interfacing with other planning activities. Our project has mentioned a configuration management plan to track the changes done from the beginning to the final review. During the later stage of our conceptual design we shall develop a comprehensive system engineering management plan (SEMP) to ensure the implementation of a program that will lead to a well coordinated and integrated product. a program is to exploit economies of scale and to reduce coordination costs and risks. programs deliver outcomes, program management is concerned with doing the right projects according to this view, successful projects deliver on time, to budget and to specification, whereas successful program deliver long term improvements to an organization design of the new product this delivers a design specification, modifications to the production factory Program and project management are both practical disciplines, Program management also emphasizes the coordinating and prioritizing of resources across project. Program management may provide a layer above the management of projects and focuses on selecting the projects, defining us in terms of their objectives and prov iding an environment where projects can be run successfully. Our organizations use the concept of Systems engineering where others use program management, ensure there are regular reviews; there is accountability, and that management of projects, allocation of resources influences the cost and success of the program. Infrastructure might cover offices, version control, and IT. A project must always have a specific end date, else it is an ongoing program. A project is designed to deliver an output or deliverable and its success will be in terms of delivering the right output at the right time and to the right cost. Program management is the mechanism by which the work of various operating functions within a company is integrated to create an effective business model. When program management is properly conceived and executed, management includes management of projects which, together, improve the Program management is the mechanism by which the work of various operating functions wit hin a company is integrated to create an effective business model. When program management is properly conceived and executed, performance of the organization. A programs success will be measured in terms of benefits. Program Management comprises a comprehensive suite of services addressing the full program life cycle and implemented by dedicated and highly skilled team members. PMP (Project Management Professional Program management practices put a continual focus on the business aspects of developing products, services and infrastructure. A skilled and competent program manager is the primary business manager on a program. We have Projects Managers that are certified and have decades of experience applying project management techniques and disciplines to client engagements in all industries. During our conceptual design phase we have scheduled a series of formal design reviews at discrete points where the design configuration involves from one level of definition to another. That is conceptual system, evolutions and design reviews. The successful implementation of system engineering principles and concepts is dependent not only on the technology issues and the process, but on management issues as well. Our BLR Engineering prepared a program management plan comprising series review meeting, audits, approval from user, risk managements, and some essential contingency plans. This program management plan guides all over activities throughout the project. 5. Risk management Risk management can therefore be considered the identification of the potential areas of risk. It is a part of the requirements and design stages in a project. Our team of experienced engineers has gone through the assessment and prioritization of risks followed by coordinated and economical application of resources to minimize, monitor, and control the probability and/or impact of unfortunate events or to maximize the realization of opportunities. One of the first steps of our risk management is the identification of the potential areas of risk. Risk shall include funding, schedule, and contract, relationships, political and technical. All of these hazardous shall be identified and evaluated and risk mitigation performed. Risk analysis should be performed as part of the risk management process for each project. Once a hazard identified as below, the steps of the risk managements process are as follows, Assess the current risk Define the acceptable level of the risk Decision on the response of the risk. Our risk management plan consists of four processes such as 1. Identification 2. Assessment 3. Analysis 4. Controls/Implementation 5. Responsibility As far as concerned about conceptual design process we may have these few types of risk only. Which are? 1. Technical Risk The possibility that technical requirement of the system will not be achieved. That is our design wont meets the system requirements adequately. We have planned to tackle such risk by remedial actions given in the table below 2. Schedule Risk The possibility that the project will fail to meet the scheduled milestones, such as those mentioned in our project plan. To tackle this issue we have identified possible cause and effects and of course the remedial actions to be taken respective 3. Cost Risk The possibility that the project will fail to meet the scheduled milestones and the cost of the project will go up and difficult to meet the budget. These are the probable risk that might be encountered and the contingency plan to overcome in the planning phase: Potential Risk 1 Difficulties in meeting up for our group member to discuss on the project due to different working schedule. Possible Solution to Risk1 Meeting to be done on every Saturday afternoon so the plans can be executed in the weekends before submitting the drafts. Ideally, meeting could also be schedule after 8 pm for a brief update on progress. Potential Risk 2 Group members have difficulties in meeting at convenient venue. Possible Solution to Risk2 Meeting can be done at any National Libraries or APMI campus when not only the environment is convenient for learning Potential Risk 3 Group member/s might fall sick and might not be able to meet for discussion. Possible Solution to Risk3 Work progress should be continually updated through email. Potential Risk 4 Group member/s may face problems in software incompatibility and in data sharing. Possible Solution to Risk4 Group member must work on common PC platform to avoid compatibility issues (e.g. one works on LINUX, and another one works on Mac Operating System and may result in unintended data corruption unable to read or edit documents. Better to work on common platform PC like Microsoft OFFICE and OpenProj for common means of compatibility. Any need of using unfamiliar program must be made known and shared so that each and everyone of the member can learn and use the new program. Potential Risk 5 Anyone of the Group member might encounter risk of data loss or corruption. Possible Solution to Risk5 Group member must regularly backup their data on their PC and must have a secondary means of backup (eg. Thumb drive or external hard drive). Seek advice from Mr. Bill Daniels through the discussion Board provided on course website. Initial Project Risk Assessment SNo Identify Hazard Hazard Assessment Causes Effects Implement / Controls Responsi- bility 1 Budget estimation unlikely 1. Substantial cost increase in the project 1. Source for more economical alternative to control spending. 2. Maintain strict accounting practice. Balaji 2 Unrealistic Projected timeline Frequently 1. Delay in project 2. Bad image for team 3. Loss due to time delay Strict to the time frame set for the work schedule and Gantt chart. Balaji 3 Disruption to System Equipment Frequently 1. Loss of Equipment 2. Delay in project 1. Constant backup. 2. Escalate of any unusual encounter. Rakesh 4 Manpower management Frequently 1. Delay in project 2. Overload of team member 1. Co-ordinate meeting regularly to delegate task and work discussion. 2. Meeting to be done on Saturday Lakshmanan 5 Group members have difficulties in meeting at convenient venue Likely 1. Delay in project 2. Substantial delay in all phases of the project Meeting can be done at any National Libraries or APMI campus when not only the environment is conducive for learning but laptop user could have access to internet wireless connection. Lakshmanan 6 Face problems in software incompatibility and in data sharing. Likely 1. Delay in document work 2. Delay in project Group member must work on common PC platform to avoid compatibility issues (e.g. one works on LINUX, and another one works on APPLE Operating System and may result in unintended data corruption unable to read or edit documents. Better to work on common platform PC like Microsoft OFFICE and OpenProj for common means of compatibility. Any need of using unfamiliar program must be made known and shared so that each and everyone of the member can learn and use the new program Rakesh 7 Group member might encounter risk of data loss or corruption. Likely 1. Loss of all details and documents. Group member must regularly backup their data on their PC and must have a secondary means of backup (e.g. Hard disk, Thumb drive). Rakesh 8 Vendor and Supplier co-ordination issue. Frequently 1. Delay in project 2. Bad image for team 3. Loss due to time delay Plan early and have back-up resources in the event existing vendor meet constraint. Lakshmanan 9 Having doubt in preparing draft. Frequently 1. Delay in project Seek advice from Mr Bill Daniels through the discussion Board provided on course website. Balaji Lakshmanan Rakesh Table2. Initial Project Risk Assessment 6. Resources required Resources are also a very important in the course of a project development. Availability of the different kinds of resources must be used satisfactorily. It is critical to establish a credible schedule because the timing of activities not only depends on the logical dependencies between them, but also on the availability of the required resources. Our group member has used as many as facilities available to achieve the required satisfaction of the information. The resources we use to accomplish the goal of acquiring the conceptual design of an amphibious car are, Hardware I. Computer  § To work on the project report development II. Computer peripherals  § To copy the draft data.  § To print the draft copy for verification. Software III. Core University 5.0 by Vitech Corporation  § To have the breakdown of the requirements  § To display the conceptual design through Flow Functional Block Diagram and Hierarchy Application Packages IV. Microsoft Project Professional 2003  § To create schedule for the entire project plan  § To design the chart for the work task allocation  § Ensure the time limited for the task is look upon V. Microsoft Word  § To type the final specification report of the project Facilities VI. Internet media  § To gain access to the video media regarding amphibious vehicle such as you tube  § To search related information regarding amphibious vehicle  § To gain access to the related websites  § To have communication with the project supervisor  § To have a convenient place to discuss the project development matters  § The usage of this media is vastly great VII. Money/Time Funds  § To have food/refreshments for members attending discussion for the entire project plan  § Towards the expenses like photocopying, phone calls, printing / copying  § To have transport facilities  § To make free ourselves on the discussion planned days. 7 Deliverables For our projects deliverables are the stuff/function that can be the result for the task implementation, it consists of things or stuff such as presentation (MSPowerpoint Slideshows), documentation requirements, total design documentation etc. The documents as deliverables used here are namely the System Engineering Management Plan, System Requirement, Functional Analysis and Allocation, and Final System Specification. System Engineering Management Plan (SEMP) This plan consists of the Scope of the Project, Work Breakdown Structure as Schedule, Cost and Product Testing method, Operation concept. It has to be executed in such a way to get the best result by assigning individual task to the respective team members thereby lead the project together with proper planning to bring the required outcome. System Requirements and Specifications (SRS) This emphasise the task that determines the needs for the product, users, designers, system and subsystems. It identifies the needs of each stakeholder. Functional Analysis and Allocation (FA A) This transforms the system level requirement into functions and analyse the behaviour of the system to get the desired result. And these functions are allocated into a physical design (component level). It can be seen in detail through Functional flow block diagram. Final system specification This document comprises all the above three documents which seeks approval from the Project director for the release of the design to Production. 8. Organisational structure We believe on team work, so at all phases the task has been evenly distributed to our team members according to their role. The process flow is as follows, getting the instruction from project director the task has been distributed to the Project Design engineer by the Project manager and also the whole project is monitored by the Project director. 9. Operational Concept The world is in needs of better and more effective and efficient vehicle that could save money, earth, resources and time of travelling which will be having the various good features when operates in both the environments. Keeping that in mind our Engineering team with the engineering skills would like to design an amphibious vehicle having capable of travelling both in road and water. i.e user friendly navigation system safety protection which will meet the customer needs as customer is mainly dependent on the effective and efficient transportation to commute in his day to day life. As the name goes, the designed Amphibious Car having the capability to travel both on land and on water promises to be more environmental friendly than any other amphibious car compared to existing or future market .The idea behind this is from the automobile researchers who have been done and many have succeeded but unable to market the vehicle as it still needs more work has to be done. Some engineers also did research beyond their imagination but some have succeeded and some are still a long way. The conceptual design of amphibious vehicle will be aimed to provide comfortable journey, trouble free service, energy efficient and environment friendly with Safety features for the customers and the features include well designed with double secured protection against water leak and corrosion of vehicles body parts by using the anti corrosive materials and fail safe controls , fuel efficient, operating at an economical way by giving good mileage and the vehicle would be engineered in way of reducing carbon dioxide emission and reducing pollution to Mother Nature as analysed by our expert engineers it would also benefit the market as a new breed of automobile needs many suitable workshop and fuel station. The vehicle has a robust designed in such a way it is very compatibility for both the conditions either it is in water or on the land. The vehicle will be operated as a boat when in water and navigation system made easy during high tides water currents and during windy seasons. The vehicle will be like normal cars when it operates on the road. The design of the bigger wheels will be providing a better ride in terrain, mud and snow and excellent traction capability with 4 gear power transmission and will provide excellent driving experience. The Vehicle will be designed to have a sportive external look. The look and feel of the designed vehicle is such that it would posses pleasant Interior colours , leg rooms spacious comfortable seatings and incorporating entertainment systems which ensures smooth and comfortable rides both on land and water. The vehicle would be cost effective under long run as the he vehicle has been designed in a way that would have less maintenance. The rugged a nd robust design assures reliability of the vehicle. The vehicle will equipped with a spare tyre and necessary tools. Our team has scheduled the conceptual design tasks and our expertise will fulfil every aspect of the customer requirement in terms of operational, maintenance and service needs and to make it big success in the market. 1. Scope 1.1 System overview Our project â€Å"Amphicar II† as the name suggests the vehicle is designed such that is viable both on land and water. It is a sports convertible full rear seat, well designed family size customer vehicle taking into account for the complete luxury as well as the safety of the customer. Customer can plan to drive right off a road or beach onto any lake or river as it is not only a luxurious car once on land but safely floats on water also because the bottom of the vehicle consists of rubber seals which forms a watertight seal. Some of the key design specification of the Amphicar II are: Its proficient 4 cylinder engine has 4 speed auto transmission forward speeds, Front wheels act as twin rudders for fast responsive handling, rear mounted for superior traction on the road, fitted with accelerator control system making the vehicle to run fuel economically both in road and water fitted with 2 rear lamps each and inbuilt side indicators, Speed O meter (digital) to display the ca rs speed, Coming to the functional aspect of the Amphicar II, once the doors are checked to be closed the customer can just drive into the water edge, and once when the car is into water, the customer is required to put land gear into neutral and then can use the facilities of the propeller or Amphibian jet by engaging it with the smaller stick which has three positions forward, neutral and reverse. Although virtually it is identical to the rest of the Amphibious vehicles, our Amphicar II distinct itself from other late models by having some of the technologies like heater placement, shock mountings, lower body lip and dash treatment and most importantly safety aspect is also considered like emergenc Development of Environmentally Friendly Amphicar Development of Environmentally Friendly Amphicar AMPHICAR II System Specifications 1 Statement of work Our team has aimed to produce an energy efficient, environmental friendly personal consumer vehicle that is capable of travelling on road and operating as a fun filled water vehicle. The project idea of AMPHICAR II is to introduce the vehicle to the public; the first prototype will be used in crossing in the English Channel, beating Richard Bransons record set in the Gibbs Aquada. The project background given by AdSing systems engineering, world leaders in revolutionary new system development, has undertaken the challenge of developing a state of the art amphibious vehicle for the consumer market. This is defined as the first phase of the project and the budget for this phase is $80000. This phase of the project will be completed in 30 days. After completion of the conceptual design of the AMPHICAR II project, it shall be placed as a proposal put forward by AdSing to independent sub-contractors for further iterations of the system development cycle. For the successful completion of this phase of the project, we will have guided by our tutor (Bill Daniels) who is the systems Engineering Expert. The requirements of the vehicle is achieved by incorporating safety features, capability of travelling on road and water, customer satisfaction, robust design, lower operational cost, and after all the project should be completed within the budget. IEEE 1220 standard specifies the system engineering process and it is primarily targeting our product (Amphicar) oriented system, which defines the inter-disciplinary tasks that are required to our project throughout the lifecycle to transform stakeholder (Customer)needs, requirements and constraints in to our product development. Therefore our group has emphasized to bring ideas in brainstorming session and initially conducted a assessment on potential customers before beginning the conceptual design. Here we have the conceptual design of the AMPHICAR project comprises of four different stages namely System engineering and management plan, Systems requirement specification, functional analysis allocations and final stage of system specification. The project planning in fact it refers to SEMP which includes statement of work, work schedule, cost analysis, product testing methods, program management, risk management, resources required, deliverables, etc., System requirements specification stage are identified based on the needs and the project requirements. Functional analysis allocation stage comprises with functional breakdown is done to determine the system physical design overview, functional analysis and component details. At the final stage of system specification, AMPHICAR II project undergoes evalu ation and final documentation. 2. Referenced documents AMPHICAR concept Referred on 06/01/2010 The AMPHICAR Story Referred on 07/012010 IEEE 1220 Standard readings Referred on 09/01/2010 3. Work breakdown structure (this phase of the AMPHICAR project) 3.1 Schedule In fact we have 30days time from 8th January 2010 till 8th February 2010 to complete an attractive high level conceptual design of AMPHICAR II. The Systems specification preparation towards the Amphicar project will be worked in four different stages, under each stage the preparation compiled as draft and submitted through Assign IT on weekly basis. The weekly submission would ensure the timely completion of each stages include the project plan, system requirements specification and the functional analysis allocation and the final systems specification preparation of the AMPHICAR II project to be submitted. The complete details of the schedule can be seen in the Gantt chart on 1. The cost analysis and workout is also shown on Table 1. AMPHICAR II System Specifications 3.2 Cost Sl No. Planned Tasks Budget (S$) No. of hrs Actual Cost (S$) Balance (S$) System Engineering Management Plan 20000 7 days 17850 2150 1 Statement of work 4 500 19500 2 Referenced Documents 6 3000 16500 3 Work Breakdown Structure 3.1 Work Schedule 4 1000 15500 3.2 Cost 12 1500 14000 3.3 Product Testing Methods 15 3500 10500 4 Program Management 8 1750 8750 5 Risk Management 8 1500 7250 6 Resources Required 4 2000 5250 7 Deliverables 4 1250 4000 8 Organizational Structure 4 850 3150 9 Operational Concept 4 1000 2150 Total 20000 73 17850 2150 System Requirement Specification 24000 7 days 20500 3500 10 Scope 10.1 System Overview 6 1500 22500 11 Referenced Documents 5 1250 21250 12 Needs 12 4000 17250 13 Requirements 13.1 General Requirements 8 2000 15250 13.2 System Capability 12 2500 12750 13.3 Safety Requirements 8 2000 10750 13.4 Personnel Related Requirement 8 1750 9000 13.5 Security and Privacy Requirement 10 1500 7500 13.6 Logistics related requirement 12 2500 5000 13.7 Other Requirements 6 1500 3500 Total 24000 87 20500 3500 Table 1 continued†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. Functional Analysis Allocation 24000 7days 18500 5500 14 Scope 14.1 System Overview 7 1750 22250 14.2 Document Overview 4 1000 21250 15 Referenced Documents 9 2250 19000 16 Functional Analysis 24 4000 15000 17 Physical Design Overview 24 6250 8750 18 Component Details 8 3250 5500 Total 24000 76 18500 5500 Final System Specification 12000 7 days 11250 1750 19 System Description 8 2000 11000 20 Operational Requirements 5 1500 9500 21 Operational Constraints 5 1500 8250 22 System Evaluation 16 3000 4250 23 Final Documentation 12 3250 1000 Total 13000 46 11250 1000 Final Total 80000 282 68100 11900 Table1. Cost Note * 1 day = 8hrs and 5days per week (Monday to Friday) 3.3. Product testing method Product testing method is one of the most important steps in bringing out of our conceptual design of AMPHICAR II Project, which demands the recognition in the future when the product shall complete and reached at the market. The final product here is the AMPHICAR which is capable of travelling both road and water. The intention of the product testing method is to Ensure that the conceptual design of the product meets the design standards for employability, consistency, and user friendliness towards its functionality. Ensure the design meets the business goals and user needs. Ensure the design does not permit any changes at the final stage of its requirements and concept Ensure the behaviour of the system can be easily understood by the design engineers. Make sure that the design provides proper guidance to the designers to resolve any issues that may arise. Make sure that the design shall not distract the copyright of other brand in the global market. Ensure that the design is properly employed by the design engineers which can be easily interacted by the users and other products. Ensure the physical design matches up with the initial art design Ensure the safety features incorporated in the product shall always be enabling and These reviews are carried out at different phases precisely Project plan, system requirement specification, functional analysis and allocation and final system specification. At the end of each and stage a discussion session is made where all the team members and the manager (who assess the detail of design from the sub-system level to the component level), are gathered to review their respective tasks in each phase and the ideas are taken for any necessary changes of any improvement that can be done for bringing the project successful. The assessed document upon the end of each discussion will be sent as a draft to the project who verifies and evaluates the design and make a note to the manager and the team members if changes that are required for the design improvement and further evaluates after getting his job done by the team and approve the design and promote to the next phase. Thus the design of the final system specification is drawn and reviewed by the project director and approve the design for its release 4. Program management Program management is the mechanism by which the work of various operating functions within a company is integrated to create an effective business model. When program management is properly conceived and executed, it helps to execute business strategies much more effectively than an uncoordinated approach. The program manager must possess operational competencies, including project management methods and tools, to effectively manage the tactical elements of the program. Another important aspect of this core discipline set is that of becoming proficient in the specific processes and practices of the company that the program manager is a part of. Knowing how things get done, the policies and procedures that must be adhered to and who must be involved and approve various aspects of their program are critical for the successful completion of every program. During the early stages of conceptual design, it is essential that good communication between the producer and the customer be established from the beginning. The Design Engineer must fully understand the user requirements of the product to be designed. This can be achieved only we have a good communication between users. The communication modes used are Teleconference, E-mails, Fax and formal meeting between the project team members and others. Meeting agenda ( 2a) will be formatted for all meetings and distributed to all members before one day. And minutes of meeting ( 2b) are drafted and distributed to all members to follow up. The primary objective of our program management plan is to facilitate the timely integration of numerous design considerations into a functioning and Physical system that will be of high value to the user. Our program management consists of SEMP which already Stated in Gantt chart (System Engineering Management Plan), Statement of work (SOW), Work break down structure, schedule of tasks, Projecting costs for program task and interfacing with other planning activities. Our project has mentioned a configuration management plan to track the changes done from the beginning to the final review. During the later stage of our conceptual design we shall develop a comprehensive system engineering management plan (SEMP) to ensure the implementation of a program that will lead to a well coordinated and integrated product. a program is to exploit economies of scale and to reduce coordination costs and risks. programs deliver outcomes, program management is concerned with doing the right projects according to this view, successful projects deliver on time, to budget and to specification, whereas successful program deliver long term improvements to an organization design of the new product this delivers a design specification, modifications to the production factory Program and project management are both practical disciplines, Program management also emphasizes the coordinating and prioritizing of resources across project. Program management may provide a layer above the management of projects and focuses on selecting the projects, defining us in terms of their objectives and prov iding an environment where projects can be run successfully. Our organizations use the concept of Systems engineering where others use program management, ensure there are regular reviews; there is accountability, and that management of projects, allocation of resources influences the cost and success of the program. Infrastructure might cover offices, version control, and IT. A project must always have a specific end date, else it is an ongoing program. A project is designed to deliver an output or deliverable and its success will be in terms of delivering the right output at the right time and to the right cost. Program management is the mechanism by which the work of various operating functions within a company is integrated to create an effective business model. When program management is properly conceived and executed, management includes management of projects which, together, improve the Program management is the mechanism by which the work of various operating functions wit hin a company is integrated to create an effective business model. When program management is properly conceived and executed, performance of the organization. A programs success will be measured in terms of benefits. Program Management comprises a comprehensive suite of services addressing the full program life cycle and implemented by dedicated and highly skilled team members. PMP (Project Management Professional Program management practices put a continual focus on the business aspects of developing products, services and infrastructure. A skilled and competent program manager is the primary business manager on a program. We have Projects Managers that are certified and have decades of experience applying project management techniques and disciplines to client engagements in all industries. During our conceptual design phase we have scheduled a series of formal design reviews at discrete points where the design configuration involves from one level of definition to another. That is conceptual system, evolutions and design reviews. The successful implementation of system engineering principles and concepts is dependent not only on the technology issues and the process, but on management issues as well. Our BLR Engineering prepared a program management plan comprising series review meeting, audits, approval from user, risk managements, and some essential contingency plans. This program management plan guides all over activities throughout the project. 5. Risk management Risk management can therefore be considered the identification of the potential areas of risk. It is a part of the requirements and design stages in a project. Our team of experienced engineers has gone through the assessment and prioritization of risks followed by coordinated and economical application of resources to minimize, monitor, and control the probability and/or impact of unfortunate events or to maximize the realization of opportunities. One of the first steps of our risk management is the identification of the potential areas of risk. Risk shall include funding, schedule, and contract, relationships, political and technical. All of these hazardous shall be identified and evaluated and risk mitigation performed. Risk analysis should be performed as part of the risk management process for each project. Once a hazard identified as below, the steps of the risk managements process are as follows, Assess the current risk Define the acceptable level of the risk Decision on the response of the risk. Our risk management plan consists of four processes such as 1. Identification 2. Assessment 3. Analysis 4. Controls/Implementation 5. Responsibility As far as concerned about conceptual design process we may have these few types of risk only. Which are? 1. Technical Risk The possibility that technical requirement of the system will not be achieved. That is our design wont meets the system requirements adequately. We have planned to tackle such risk by remedial actions given in the table below 2. Schedule Risk The possibility that the project will fail to meet the scheduled milestones, such as those mentioned in our project plan. To tackle this issue we have identified possible cause and effects and of course the remedial actions to be taken respective 3. Cost Risk The possibility that the project will fail to meet the scheduled milestones and the cost of the project will go up and difficult to meet the budget. These are the probable risk that might be encountered and the contingency plan to overcome in the planning phase: Potential Risk 1 Difficulties in meeting up for our group member to discuss on the project due to different working schedule. Possible Solution to Risk1 Meeting to be done on every Saturday afternoon so the plans can be executed in the weekends before submitting the drafts. Ideally, meeting could also be schedule after 8 pm for a brief update on progress. Potential Risk 2 Group members have difficulties in meeting at convenient venue. Possible Solution to Risk2 Meeting can be done at any National Libraries or APMI campus when not only the environment is convenient for learning Potential Risk 3 Group member/s might fall sick and might not be able to meet for discussion. Possible Solution to Risk3 Work progress should be continually updated through email. Potential Risk 4 Group member/s may face problems in software incompatibility and in data sharing. Possible Solution to Risk4 Group member must work on common PC platform to avoid compatibility issues (e.g. one works on LINUX, and another one works on Mac Operating System and may result in unintended data corruption unable to read or edit documents. Better to work on common platform PC like Microsoft OFFICE and OpenProj for common means of compatibility. Any need of using unfamiliar program must be made known and shared so that each and everyone of the member can learn and use the new program. Potential Risk 5 Anyone of the Group member might encounter risk of data loss or corruption. Possible Solution to Risk5 Group member must regularly backup their data on their PC and must have a secondary means of backup (eg. Thumb drive or external hard drive). Seek advice from Mr. Bill Daniels through the discussion Board provided on course website. Initial Project Risk Assessment SNo Identify Hazard Hazard Assessment Causes Effects Implement / Controls Responsi- bility 1 Budget estimation unlikely 1. Substantial cost increase in the project 1. Source for more economical alternative to control spending. 2. Maintain strict accounting practice. Balaji 2 Unrealistic Projected timeline Frequently 1. Delay in project 2. Bad image for team 3. Loss due to time delay Strict to the time frame set for the work schedule and Gantt chart. Balaji 3 Disruption to System Equipment Frequently 1. Loss of Equipment 2. Delay in project 1. Constant backup. 2. Escalate of any unusual encounter. Rakesh 4 Manpower management Frequently 1. Delay in project 2. Overload of team member 1. Co-ordinate meeting regularly to delegate task and work discussion. 2. Meeting to be done on Saturday Lakshmanan 5 Group members have difficulties in meeting at convenient venue Likely 1. Delay in project 2. Substantial delay in all phases of the project Meeting can be done at any National Libraries or APMI campus when not only the environment is conducive for learning but laptop user could have access to internet wireless connection. Lakshmanan 6 Face problems in software incompatibility and in data sharing. Likely 1. Delay in document work 2. Delay in project Group member must work on common PC platform to avoid compatibility issues (e.g. one works on LINUX, and another one works on APPLE Operating System and may result in unintended data corruption unable to read or edit documents. Better to work on common platform PC like Microsoft OFFICE and OpenProj for common means of compatibility. Any need of using unfamiliar program must be made known and shared so that each and everyone of the member can learn and use the new program Rakesh 7 Group member might encounter risk of data loss or corruption. Likely 1. Loss of all details and documents. Group member must regularly backup their data on their PC and must have a secondary means of backup (e.g. Hard disk, Thumb drive). Rakesh 8 Vendor and Supplier co-ordination issue. Frequently 1. Delay in project 2. Bad image for team 3. Loss due to time delay Plan early and have back-up resources in the event existing vendor meet constraint. Lakshmanan 9 Having doubt in preparing draft. Frequently 1. Delay in project Seek advice from Mr Bill Daniels through the discussion Board provided on course website. Balaji Lakshmanan Rakesh Table2. Initial Project Risk Assessment 6. Resources required Resources are also a very important in the course of a project development. Availability of the different kinds of resources must be used satisfactorily. It is critical to establish a credible schedule because the timing of activities not only depends on the logical dependencies between them, but also on the availability of the required resources. Our group member has used as many as facilities available to achieve the required satisfaction of the information. The resources we use to accomplish the goal of acquiring the conceptual design of an amphibious car are, Hardware I. Computer  § To work on the project report development II. Computer peripherals  § To copy the draft data.  § To print the draft copy for verification. Software III. Core University 5.0 by Vitech Corporation  § To have the breakdown of the requirements  § To display the conceptual design through Flow Functional Block Diagram and Hierarchy Application Packages IV. Microsoft Project Professional 2003  § To create schedule for the entire project plan  § To design the chart for the work task allocation  § Ensure the time limited for the task is look upon V. Microsoft Word  § To type the final specification report of the project Facilities VI. Internet media  § To gain access to the video media regarding amphibious vehicle such as you tube  § To search related information regarding amphibious vehicle  § To gain access to the related websites  § To have communication with the project supervisor  § To have a convenient place to discuss the project development matters  § The usage of this media is vastly great VII. Money/Time Funds  § To have food/refreshments for members attending discussion for the entire project plan  § Towards the expenses like photocopying, phone calls, printing / copying  § To have transport facilities  § To make free ourselves on the discussion planned days. 7 Deliverables For our projects deliverables are the stuff/function that can be the result for the task implementation, it consists of things or stuff such as presentation (MSPowerpoint Slideshows), documentation requirements, total design documentation etc. The documents as deliverables used here are namely the System Engineering Management Plan, System Requirement, Functional Analysis and Allocation, and Final System Specification. System Engineering Management Plan (SEMP) This plan consists of the Scope of the Project, Work Breakdown Structure as Schedule, Cost and Product Testing method, Operation concept. It has to be executed in such a way to get the best result by assigning individual task to the respective team members thereby lead the project together with proper planning to bring the required outcome. System Requirements and Specifications (SRS) This emphasise the task that determines the needs for the product, users, designers, system and subsystems. It identifies the needs of each stakeholder. Functional Analysis and Allocation (FA A) This transforms the system level requirement into functions and analyse the behaviour of the system to get the desired result. And these functions are allocated into a physical design (component level). It can be seen in detail through Functional flow block diagram. Final system specification This document comprises all the above three documents which seeks approval from the Project director for the release of the design to Production. 8. Organisational structure We believe on team work, so at all phases the task has been evenly distributed to our team members according to their role. The process flow is as follows, getting the instruction from project director the task has been distributed to the Project Design engineer by the Project manager and also the whole project is monitored by the Project director. 9. Operational Concept The world is in needs of better and more effective and efficient vehicle that could save money, earth, resources and time of travelling which will be having the various good features when operates in both the environments. Keeping that in mind our Engineering team with the engineering skills would like to design an amphibious vehicle having capable of travelling both in road and water. i.e user friendly navigation system safety protection which will meet the customer needs as customer is mainly dependent on the effective and efficient transportation to commute in his day to day life. As the name goes, the designed Amphibious Car having the capability to travel both on land and on water promises to be more environmental friendly than any other amphibious car compared to existing or future market .The idea behind this is from the automobile researchers who have been done and many have succeeded but unable to market the vehicle as it still needs more work has to be done. Some engineers also did research beyond their imagination but some have succeeded and some are still a long way. The conceptual design of amphibious vehicle will be aimed to provide comfortable journey, trouble free service, energy efficient and environment friendly with Safety features for the customers and the features include well designed with double secured protection against water leak and corrosion of vehicles body parts by using the anti corrosive materials and fail safe controls , fuel efficient, operating at an economical way by giving good mileage and the vehicle would be engineered in way of reducing carbon dioxide emission and reducing pollution to Mother Nature as analysed by our expert engineers it would also benefit the market as a new breed of automobile needs many suitable workshop and fuel station. The vehicle has a robust designed in such a way it is very compatibility for both the conditions either it is in water or on the land. The vehicle will be operated as a boat when in water and navigation system made easy during high tides water currents and during windy seasons. The vehicle will be like normal cars when it operates on the road. The design of the bigger wheels will be providing a better ride in terrain, mud and snow and excellent traction capability with 4 gear power transmission and will provide excellent driving experience. The Vehicle will be designed to have a sportive external look. The look and feel of the designed vehicle is such that it would posses pleasant Interior colours , leg rooms spacious comfortable seatings and incorporating entertainment systems which ensures smooth and comfortable rides both on land and water. The vehicle would be cost effective under long run as the he vehicle has been designed in a way that would have less maintenance. The rugged a nd robust design assures reliability of the vehicle. The vehicle will equipped with a spare tyre and necessary tools. Our team has scheduled the conceptual design tasks and our expertise will fulfil every aspect of the customer requirement in terms of operational, maintenance and service needs and to make it big success in the market. 1. Scope 1.1 System overview Our project â€Å"Amphicar II† as the name suggests the vehicle is designed such that is viable both on land and water. It is a sports convertible full rear seat, well designed family size customer vehicle taking into account for the complete luxury as well as the safety of the customer. Customer can plan to drive right off a road or beach onto any lake or river as it is not only a luxurious car once on land but safely floats on water also because the bottom of the vehicle consists of rubber seals which forms a watertight seal. Some of the key design specification of the Amphicar II are: Its proficient 4 cylinder engine has 4 speed auto transmission forward speeds, Front wheels act as twin rudders for fast responsive handling, rear mounted for superior traction on the road, fitted with accelerator control system making the vehicle to run fuel economically both in road and water fitted with 2 rear lamps each and inbuilt side indicators, Speed O meter (digital) to display the ca rs speed, Coming to the functional aspect of the Amphicar II, once the doors are checked to be closed the customer can just drive into the water edge, and once when the car is into water, the customer is required to put land gear into neutral and then can use the facilities of the propeller or Amphibian jet by engaging it with the smaller stick which has three positions forward, neutral and reverse. Although virtually it is identical to the rest of the Amphibious vehicles, our Amphicar II distinct itself from other late models by having some of the technologies like heater placement, shock mountings, lower body lip and dash treatment and most importantly safety aspect is also considered like emergenc